Fida compliant with ISO 14001: 2015 and OHSAS 18001: 2007 standards

Index: Fida compliant with ISO 14001: 2015 and OHSAS 18001: 2007 standards

Fida has been recognized as suitable for international standards of Occupational Health and Safety Management, and Environmental Management; certifying our commitment to improving the working environment and reducing the environmental impact of production processes.

“The certification of business processes according to general standards, such as ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001, is of fundamental importance. It allows you to analyze and improve the effectiveness of your management systems following an internationally recognized criterion. “

Marco Nicolosi, Head of Quality, Environment and Safety in Fida says: “It is not just a formal recognition, but a testimony of the continuous effort to respect the environment in which we live and to protect and safeguard our colleagues and collaborators. Two steps forward to offer a quality product and service to our customers “.

UNI EN ISO 14001: 2015 and respect for the environment

Identifies risks and management opportunities from the point of view of the Environmental Management System in order to reduce pollution, optimize processes, safeguard employees, reduce risks and the energy impact on the territory.

OHSAS 18001: 2007 for occupational safety.

It consists in the application of a system to guarantee workers that complies with health and safety regulations. A standard aimed at the prevention and protection of employees based on strict controls of organizational processes and practices.

The two standards are valid for the following fields of application: Design, production, supply, installation and assistance of metal carpentry works, street furniture in general, fixed and variable signage, finishing of general works in wooden, metal and glass materials, advertising systems and video communication, lighting systems. Game room set-up and furnishing service, instant and traditional lotteries. Supply of equipment and related services for the advanced management of user queues, including software licenses.

An integrated approach

In Fida we have focused on the integration of the various regulations which has allowed us to raise the company quality standard, thanks to a lean and intelligent management system. A guarantee and evaluation tool for customers and partners.

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