Digital Signage

The most modern and innovative communication technologies integrated in monitors and totems to meet the needs of digital communication.


Thanks to our know-how we are now able to integrate pour hardware solutions with software for the management of individual devices or for complex networks of devices.
FIDA PID Content Delivery

Content Delivery

FIDA DS Queueing

Queueing System

FIDA DS Wayfinding


FIDA DS Diagnostic

Diagnostic and monitoring

FIDA DS Content Creation

Content Creation

FIDA DS Video Wall

Video Wall


Design and production of customized devices and a complete customer assistance service in all phases of project development.

Totem Indoor

Saudi Arabia
Totem Outdoor Trifacciale

United Arab Emirates
Totem Outdoor

Totem Indoor

Kiosk Indoor Self ticketing

Multifunction Urban Hub

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CONSENT OF THE INTERESTED PARTY TO THE PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA Pursuant to art. 7 of EU Reg. 2016/679, I authorize Fida Srl to process my personal data and to be contacted, following my request, to receive information, also relating to products / services and for internal operational or management needs.

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CONSENT OF THE INTERESTED PARTY TO THE PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA Pursuant to art. 7 of EU Reg. 2016/679, I authorize Fida Srl to process my personal data and to be contacted, following my request, to receive information, also relating to products / services and for internal operational or management needs.