Line: Tactive
Product: TKC
Product type: Interactive Kiosk (Payment)
Environment: Indoor

Tactive Selfkiosk TKC is designed for interactive payment applications in government, healthcare, retail, hospitality, corporate and educational settings. It is the natural evolution of the TKP model with the addition of a payment terminal for high reliability and robustness during electronic payment. Other features include, an industrial thermal printer with 80 mm paper width, a high-efficiency industrial thermal printer for printing on A4 size paper for documents and a barcode reader and QRCODE reader for reading health cards or cards for personal identification. The reader is in a concealed position with the light beam facing down in order to not annoy the eyes of adults and children, additionally a support surface is available to ensure the safe and immediate reading of any card, paper document or from LCD smartphone display. The structure of the Tactive TKP is made of steel a variety of customizable finishes. On both sides, right and left, a door with security lock is provided in order to ensure direct access to the thermal printer for normal roll change operations or maintenance. All our products are tried and tested and manufactured to be user friendly not only aesthetically pleasing.


Screen Size (inch): 19″
Display Brightness: 250 nit
Operating Temperature: 0° / +40° C
Environment rating: IP20 (Nema 1)



Industrial A4 and
80mm printers


Flexible and

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