Fida srl

Registered office: di Porta Vittoria 18 20122 – Milano
Head Quarter: Via Volturno 135 20861 – Brugherio (MI)
Branch office: Piazza Flavio Biondo 7 00153 – Roma

Share capital: Euro 1.000.000
VAT num. 11439920155
Company reg. num..: Milan n. 2085947

Invoicing email address:

Electronic invoices:

Certified email address:

National Reg. of EEE Producers.: IT17100000010045
National Reg. of Battery Producers.: IT20020P00006015

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CONSENSO DELL'INTERESSATO AL TRATTAMENTO DI DATI PERSONALI Ai sensi dell’art. 7 del Reg. UE 2016/679, autorizzo Fida Srl al trattamento dei dati personali e ad essere ricontattato, a seguito di Mia richiesta, per ricevere informazioni, anche relative ai prodotti/servizi e per esigenze interne di tipo operativo o gestionale.
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CONSENT OF THE INTERESTED PARTY TO THE PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA Pursuant to art. 7 of EU Reg. 2016/679, I authorize Fida Srl to process my personal data and to be contacted, following my request, to receive information, also relating to products / services and for internal operational or management needs.

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CONSENT OF THE INTERESTED PARTY TO THE PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA Pursuant to art. 7 of EU Reg. 2016/679, I authorize Fida Srl to process my personal data and to be contacted, following my request, to receive information, also relating to products / services and for internal operational or management needs.