ISE 2018: Thank you for visiting our stand at Integrated Systems Europe

Index: ISE 2018: Thank you for visiting our stand at Integrated Systems Europe

Anche quest’anno  ringraziamo i numerosi visitatori dell’Integrated System Europe (ISE), la più Thank you again for the numerous visits to the Integrated System Europe (ISE), we hope to see you again in 2019 for the next edition of the largest AV and System Integration tradeshow in the world, which will be held in Amsterdam from the 05th to the 8th of February.

Un sentito ringraziamento a tutti coloro che hanno visitato il nostro stand, per il forte interesse mostrato verso i nostri prodotti.
Se desideri ricevere informazioni tecniche o generali riguardanti i nostri prodotti, contatta il nostro Team Commerciale delle divisioni 

A big thank you to everyone who visited our stand for the strong interest shown in our products. If you would like to receive technical information or general information regarding our products, please contact the Digital Signage and Passenger Information business units Sales Team.

Scrivici a oper contattare telefonicamente il nostro team CL

Write to us at or contact our team by phone CLICKING HERE

For more details about our products DOWNLOAD THE BROCHURES.

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CONSENT OF THE INTERESTED PARTY TO THE PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA Pursuant to art. 7 of EU Reg. 2016/679, I authorize Fida Srl to process my personal data and to be contacted, following my request, to receive information, also relating to products / services and for internal operational or management needs.