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Index: Outdoor Totems for Railway Stations

It is difficult to go back to when there were still no digital Totems in the stations, because nowadays it is practically impossible to imagine a railway station that is not widely equipped with them.

The reasons are many and varied. Undoubtedly the stations are places of passage and waiting, and therefore the outdoor Totems for advertising purposes are more effective than in a shopping center or on the street. Unlike elsewhere, as we wait for our train to arrive we are more inclined to pay attention to the screens and advertisements they broadcast.

But this is not the main reason why multimedia totems are absolutely essential for the regular running of a public transport service and specifically rail. The reason is that digital totems perform many useful functions inside railway stations. Let’s see them together.

Totem Outdoor Wayfinding: giving directions to passengers

Especially if the train station is large, and perhaps extends over several floors including shops, stores and cafes, it becomes necessary to help travelers find their way. This is precisely the purpose of the Wayfinding Totems or Kiosks. Installed inside metro or railway stations, they provide passengers with all the information they need to find their platform and any additional services they may need.

Communicate the departure and arrival times of trains with relative platforms

The Totems allow passengers to monitor in real time the departure and arrival times of trains, with the relative platforms. In this way, they are constantly informed about the program and the destinations. As these are often outdoor locations, these monitors are specifically designed to maintain a high level of readability in any lighting condition, therefore even in broad daylight and under the sun.

Announce track changes or delays

The tracks, you know, not infrequently undergo variations both in terms of timetable, arrival track, and route. In this sense, the Totems play an absolutely fundamental role in maintaining active, clear and complete communication with all passengers, providing useful information about strikes, breakdowns or any cancellations of routes.

Buy tickets thanks to Indoor Totems

Some Totems designed specifically for railway stations are equipped with a printer, a payment system and a touch screen to buy the ticket on the spot, an internet connection to view maps and calculate the route to reach the destination concerned, and in this way provide a service in real time.

This guarantees passengers to travel with greater peace of mind and speed, allowing them to buy their ticket quickly and without long waiting times at the cash desk.

Promote promotional initiatives or subscription campaigns

The digital totems allow you to promote promotional initiatives or season ticket campaigns specifically aimed at travelers in a rather impactful way. Information on Premium services or dedicated discounts are thus immediately available, and reach a rather large audience more effectively.

Collect feedback from passengers

The Outdoor Totems allow you to create a more direct relationship with the user, and in this way collect feedback from passengers regarding the quality of the service. A wealth of data that can be very useful for future investments.

Much more: the potential of Multimedia Totems for Railway Stations

The most modern Outdoor Totems are able to perform the most advanced functions, provide information, allow users to browse online and consult maps interactively, and communicate a disservice in real time. The potential of Outdoor Totems for railway stations is infinite, and this great versatility is the reason that has made them so popular among companies that deal with both public and private transport.

Fida srl: our models of Made in Italy Outdoor Totems

We at Fida srl ​​have been producing Totems for Outdoor for over 25 years. Our product lines are essentially two: EKS Full Outdoor Digital Totem of the Exentia Line, designed to work effectively even with direct sunlight, and WKO of the Wave Outdoor line (no direct sunlight), that is designed to work in open places. but indoors, away from direct sunlight. Both models guarantee maximum safety against the intrusion of metal dust generated by the rubbing of the train wheels with the tracks, in order to avoid possible short circuits.

Exentia EKS Full-Outdoorit is the ideal totem for Digital Signage applications. Created to meet the requirements of use in open places, it is visible even in direct sunlight on the screen and has the most recent and sophisticated technology that guarantees the liquid crystal maximum functional performance even in high temperature conditions (up to + 50 ° C), typical of southern exposure.

Available with IP55 protection, without internal air conditioner (HB Version) and IP65, with air conditioner (HBC Version), Exentia EKS is available in 46 ″ and 55 ”sizes, single or double sided. The 4 + 4 mm anti-vandal front glass with IR filter, 4G connectivity and a sophisticated diagnostic system make it particularly suitable for installation at railway stations, where information must always be guaranteed, be it informative, interactive or advertising. The device guarantees high performance and low consumption 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Wave WKO is a multimedia totem with 24/7 operation, especially suitable for environments such as airports and railway stations that require protection against rain, dust and vandalism.

The aluminum structure avoids the formation of rust and limits the weight of the totem. WKO is available in both single and double-sided versions, in 4 sizes from 55 to 100 inches, with or without touchscreen, and is equipped with our propriety DVP diagnostic system designed entirely by FIDA, capable of collecting all diagnostic data through the protocol SNMP standard.

Contact us for an accurate quote.

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