TLed Outdoor LED lamp: compliance with RFI standards

Index: TLed Outdoor LED lamp: compliance with RFI standards

TLed is an integrated low-consumption LED linear lighting system for industrial applications and for the transport sector. The system is perfect for installation on railway platforms and subways, but also in hospitals and industrial warehouses, because it has low power consumption lamps to be mounted in a continuous line.

fida Tled

Suitable for outdoor and indoor applications, our TLED lamp has obtained the IMQ certifications attesting compliance with the technical standards of the Italian railway network (ref. specification RFI DST MA IFS 001 A “Abacus of lighting fixtures”), namely:

  • EN 60598-1:2015 + A1:2018;
  • EN 60598-2-1:1989 + IEC/TR 62778:2014;
  • EN 60598-2-22:2014 + A1:2020

Outdoor TLed LED lamp: Technical features

The body is made entirely of anodized aluminum and the protective screen in tempered glass with very high lighting efficiency making the TLED the ideal lamp for applications in the railway sector, in which essential reliability, ease and speed of installation is necessary. TLED is available in three lengths: 70, 150 and 170 cm.

FIDA’s TLEDs allow important savings, from both a management and maintenance point of view, with a lower energy absorption due to greater efficiency.

Transportation solutions: the utility of LED lighting equipment

The lighting systems inside of the railway and subway stations play a vital role in the quality of the service. In addition to meeting the lighting and visibility requirements, they meet the following needs:

  • They increase passengers’ perception of safety
  • They indicate and suggest levels and directions, helping passengers to orient themselves
  • They improve accessibility
  • They ensure important energy performances

TLed Outdoor LED lamp: recent applications by Fida Srl

Outdoor LED lamp at Monte San Biagio (LT) railway station

Outdoor LED lamp at Tarquinia (VT) railway station

Outdoor LED lamp at Valle Aurelia subway station in Roma

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