Rapperswil’s new mobility information system. Next stop: Switzerland.

Index: Rapperswil’s new mobility information system. Next stop: Switzerland.

IThe design of Fida’s Signum line at the service of Swiss mobility. A public service enhancement project for the city of Rapperswil-Jona, developed by Fida in partnership with Signal, a global provider of road and rail signaling solutions.

Sempre più città svizzere puntano a diventare delle smart city, investendo sulle infrastrutture stradali di trasporto pubblico per ridurre i tempi di percorrenza, limitare l’inquinamento e migliorare la qualità della vita dei cittadini.

More and more cities in Switzerland are aiming to become smart cities by investing in road transport infrastructure to reduce travel wait time, reduce pollution, and improve the quality of life for their citizens.

Now Rapperswil-Jona, city of St. Gallen near Zurich, has implemented a passenger information service with a bus stop display network, designed by Fida in partnership with Signal.

A prestigious project that envisaged the creation of a computerized mobility management system consisting of 31 24-inch Signum SMO monitors with time management and diagnostic monitoring software.

Monitor Signum SMO semi-outdoor.

Designed by Fida, Signum SMO are ultra-resistant professional monitors, made entirely of aluminum with anti-reflective stratified glass and high brightness LCD panels that ensure excellent visual performance and reduced energy consumption. Rugged and reliable, the SMOs are equipped with an ambient light sensor to adjust the screen’s backlight based on the environments current light. For all the information visit the Signum SMO page.

System Architecture

The displays are equipped with a Cellular Router for communication with Data Processing Center via Internet, a DVP card for diagnostics, developed by Fida with proprietary protocol and a μQ7 Board for viewing of content via URL, which serves as a player.

The system’s architecture involves the use of two servers. The Web server, which manages the Octoplus software application interface, and the DB server where the traffic data is stored.

The data transmission environment has been developed to provide the best protection and security possible.

There is a twofold protection: from the software side with the sending and receiving of monitor information with a data encryption / decryption method, and from the hardware side with a VPN connection between the Web Server and the data server (DB Server).

Remote monitoring and management system

Intuitive, secure, flexible and high scalability. From the OCTOplus control panel, you can view the entire network of devices from a single screen and analyze individual components of a specific monitor.

Our engineers have thought of using the simple logic of a traffic light, to immediately notice at a glance faults and anomalies, and to act promptly on the single equipment.

Thanks to the backlight brightness sensor, OCTOplus also reports potential malfunctions of the backlight by sending an instant email.

These are just some of the features of our application, which optimizes system operation and minimizes management costs. All available on the go thanks to the responsive interface that can be consulted by PC, Tablet and Smartphone.

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