Solutions for public transport: the report from Innotrans 2022

Index: Solutions for public transport: the report from Innotrans 2022

The 2022 edition of InnoTrans, the world’s leading exhibition for rail transport and mobility technologies, which is held every two years in the Berlin exhibition center, ended with success and enthusiasm. Here are the numbers of this edition:

  • 2,834 exhibitors from 56 countries
  • 137,394 Professional Visitors from 131 Countries
  • 42 Pavilions
  • 128 Vehicles and 14 Buses exhibited in the outdoor areas
  • 250 world premieres

Fida srl: passenger information displays made in Italy

As Fida srl ​​we have exhibited in our stand the best made in Italy products that in recent years we have designed to improve the travel experience of users in every area of ​​public transport: track indicators, lighting solutions, LCD outdoor monitors and many other design solutions.

Visit the gallery:

The next appointment is for 2024: from 24 to 27 September we will be among the exhibitors again, alongside the most advanced sector companies in the world.

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