Index: RistorExpo 2021

On 26 September, RistorExpo, the B2B show dedicated to the HORECA sector, reopened in Erba.
This important event has been given the task of marking a turning point towards the restart, for a sector hard hit by the strict restrictions put in place to contain the COVID19 emergency.

Among the novelties of this year I found a strong presence of kiosks dedicated to self-service order management. Basically, a fully automatic terminal aimed at the user, able to simplify and speed up the choice and payment of your order.
For the manager, however, it represents an important opportunity that helps him to increase the average value of the receipt and the quality of the service, as well as optimizing internal resources and reducing any manual errors during peak times.
FIDA, which has always been attentive to these changes, has for some years now created a line of kiosks designed to fully satisfy these applications, which can be customized in terms of shapes and in the choice of the various peripherals used.
And to meet the needs of antibacterial protection when using the touch-screen, FIDA uses a special adhesive film with a thickness of 80 microns on its kiosks, which prevents the proliferation of bacteria with a proven efficiency of 99.99% and guarantee of 3 years.

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