ISE 2024: Fida presents LOPU Flip Chip COB, 1.25MM PIXEL PITCH, 600 NITS

Index: ISE 2024: Fida presents LOPU Flip Chip COB, 1.25MM PIXEL PITCH, 600 NITS

LED display with 1.25mm pixel pitch for indoor use with a compact rectangular, high-resolution design. It adopts advanced fourth-generation flip COB (Chip On Board) technology to offer wide color uniformity, excellent robustness and very high energy efficiency. The ultra-short pitch enables FHD, 4K and 8K resolutions for a unique viewing experience. This LED panel is a true revolution and amazes with the image quality it is able to deliver: it supports DCI color gamut management with a color uniformity of more than 97%.

Based on a module of only 150 x 168.75 mm and a 600 x 337.5 mm cabinet, thus accommodating 8 modules, this model is certified to resist moisture, oxidation, dust, as well as being anti-static. Improved heat dissipation and low power consumption enable it to prolong the life of it’s components. Super-refined mechanics with precision engineering solutions and a 22-bit grayscale architecture make it an outstanding LED display for all your projects.

The cabinet has a perfect 16:9 ratio, so there is no need to stretch the video content as with other competitors. Easy and efficient installation, full front service, perfect design produce a uniform installation in any environment, eliminating spaces between frames or cabinets. Wide viewing angle of 175°H/175°V, the central view from any angle, horizontal and vertical viewing angle can ensure the uniformity of color and brightness. The shockproof, anti-static, stain-resistant features of the LOPU LED offer excellent heat dissipation and wide viewing angle, as well as making it especially suitable for control rooms, conference rooms, DOOH advertising, education and medical applications.

fida lopu flip chip cob
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