Line: Tactive
Product: TWI
Product Type: Interactive kiosk (Wayfinding)
Environment: Indoor

The Tactive TWI is an ultra-versatile kiosk thought out for interactive applications such as wayfinding, 3D map viewing and video catalogues. This is the perfect solution for shopping malls, museums, showrooms, or fairs. The landscape display has an integrated touch screen with an anti-scratch and anti-reflective 4mm glass, giving you speed and sensibility never seen before. The frontal panel can host devices such as a webcam, card reader, barcode reader or 80mm thermal printer, useful for extra income through upselling and cross-selling activities. The double back panel on the other hand allows for maintenance services in an easy and fast way.

Technical Data

Screen Size (inch): 43″ – 49″
Display Brightness: 400 – 420nit
Operating Temperature: 0° / +40° C
Environment rating: Indoor IP20 (Nema 1) – IP54 front


Ergonomic design
Fully customizable
12 point PCAP touch screen
Suitable for shopping malls
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