Line: Varyo
Product: VRZ
Product type: Dual sided Window Monitor
Environment: Indoor

Varyo VRZ is the most stylish and versatile window facing dual sided monitor, with a vivid 2500 nit screen that grabs your attention outside of the store area and a 700 nit monitor to increase the strength of your in-store communication.
The aluminum structure and the flexible mounting system allow for easy installation in every type of architectural condition choosing the best fixing method between ceiling mounting or floor standing.
Varyo makes the connection of an external player easier than ever thanks to the separated unit for hosting all the additional devices. VRZ is also available with our proprietary MXP player with simple and FREE content delivery software saving you money from external players and CMS.

Technical Data

Screen Size (inch): 46″ – 55″
Display Brightness: 2500nit + 700nit
Operating Temperature: 0° / +35° C
Environment rating: IP20 (Nema 1)


Refined surface finishing

Ceiling mounted or floor standing

Sunlight readable high brightness

External player for easy maintenance

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