Line: Thile
Product: THK
Product type: Digital Totem LCD
Environmente: Indoor

Created specifically for prestigious locations such as banks, museums, hotels, malls or meeting rooms the Totem THK is the right compromise between Design and dimensions: available in single-sided version and only 12 cm for a double sided totem with professional high quality LCD monitors equipped with USB auto playback system for streaming videos and images without any external player or software. No screws in sight, with all frontal 6 mm glass, double closure for security and anti-vandalism with an infinite amount of colors and finishes.
All totems can be equipped with touch screen capability with 2 or 40 ultra-fast and sensitive touch, transforming it into an effective wayfinding solution or information point for hospitals and fairs or as a welcome system for companies or hotels.

Technical Data

Screen Size (inch): 32″ – 43″ – 55″ – 65″ – 75″
Display Brightness: 500 – 700nit
Operating Temperature: 0° / +40° C
Environment rating: IP5x (only monitor)



6mm tempered
all frontal glass

No visible

High quality

coloured dot


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